Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Okay... blogging. So here goes. I've been trying everything to lose weight. I know all the facts. I've researched every conceivable tactic (I research for a living, after all), and yet I've been unable to stick to any of them. Some are too fussy, some are too time consuming, some too expensive, others force you to buy exotic foods that are not available in your supermarket. Being a poor grad student means that if I am forced to buy chia seeds imported from Timbuktu at Whole Foods, I'm never going to be able to make it work. In other words, its your basic goldilocks routine. Some are too hot, some are too cold, but never just right.

My breakthrough happened several weeks ago in the middle of the night. Yes, you heard me. I was researching (again!) trying to latch onto any sort of healthy living plan I could find. Scouring the internet and Pinterest, when it hit me. I don't know why it hit me during this particular research binge at midnight, but it did. Are you ready for my epiphany? It was this: There are steps involved. That's it. There...are... steps. Being someone who uses statistics all the time, this should have hit me, but sadly it never did. All I can say is that my brain was so addled with BMR and AMR equations, that it must have slipped my mind. So I set out on a mission. To create exceedingly specific steps that can be added on top of each other each week that will trick that wicked metabolism and petulant mind into losing weight. And viola! Tweak-a-week was born.

The idea to make it into a blog was a spur of the moment idea. I follow a great blog called "What the Girls are Having," and at the bottom of the page it asked me if I wanted to create my own. And I looked at it. And it looked at me. And I thought to myself, "self, why don't we create a blog?" And so I did. This is it. The blog...that is. I'll be posting during the week as best I can (remember the busy part?!?) and maybe there is someone out there like me who just needs someone to tell them the steps they should take each week. I look forward to you guys helping me think of steps that I haven't.

This week, I should mention is week 4. This week's tweak is to reform my lunch habits. However, more on that tomorrow because right now I'm due in class.
Tweak it up y'all !

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